An update on the Senior Guardian Election from TOM Secretary Gareth Irvine:
Hey Tom Family!
Just want to give you an update on the process of electing our next Senior Guardian.
We spent a good number of weeks over May and June in our different regions praying, listening and taking part in discernment conversations - whether that's in person, at gatherings, or on Zoom; so thank you so much to everyone who took part, we had over 100 responses from all the different regions of TOM, which has been really helpful.
So I'm pleased to announce that following consultation with the Regional Chairs of Guardians, the Reps, the 5 Stream Champions and the Appointments Advisory Group, along with a conversation with our Senior Visitor, Bishop Ric Thorpe, we are now in a position to invite nominations for this role.
If you follow the links below wherever you're watching this video on the website or in the newsletter, or on Facebook, you will find the link to a Prospective Candidate Pack, that gives all the information you need to know along with some of the key opportunities, questions and challenges that we are discerning the Lord is leading into and therefore will be important for whoever is considering this role, to serve us and lead us in the next 6 years.
So, nominations will open on 1st September and will be open for the whole month until 30th September. To be nominated for this role, you need to be a Permanent Member within the Order of Mission, with an apostolic calling, and we'd encourage you to look through both what is says in the constitution about the role and also the particularities about what we feel God is saying in this season.
To get nominated, you need to have the support of 10 permanent members, and if you need the contact details for anyone, you can contact the Global Office, and they will put you in touch.
I'd encourage you to keep praying, if there is someone you think you'd like to consider this role then have a conversation with them.
If you are someone and you're considering this role and you'd like further conversation then please speak to one of your Guardians, or the Interim Senior Guardian over the next few weeks in July and August.
We'll post another update at the start of September to remind everyone that the nominations are open.
Hope you have a great rest of Summer!
God bless and thank you for continuing to stand with us and pray for the life of the Order in this season of transition.