The process of joining The Order of Mission (TOM) follows a similar path to monastic orders of the past. We call this process Exploration. Exploration is simply the journey of investigating more deeply what TOM is about and whether God is calling you to be part of this covenant community. The full journey of joining TOM goes from Explorer, to Temporary Member to Permanent Member and takes a minimum of 4 years. Exploration is the first step of this process and usually lasts around one year. If you’re interested in starting Exploration you can read more about the process, and register your interest, here >>
Temporary Membership
Following the Exploration process if the Explorer, Accompanying Member and Guardians agree then the Explorer is invited to take their Temporary Vows. You can read about the vows here. Temporary Membership is a period of at least 3 years (to a maximum of 6) that will be spent testing a call to The Order of Mission. Temporary Members spend time engaging with the community by attending gatherings, taking part in a huddle and joining mission trips or spending time with a church that operates with TOM core values at its heart. Temporary Members also spend time processing what it means to be part of the Order with their Accompanying Member.
Permanent Membership
Following this period of discernment if there is agreement between the Temporary Member, the Accompanying Member and the relevant Guardians that Permanent Membership is the appropriate next step then the Member is invited by the Guardians to take Permanent Vows. Permanent commitment takes place at Order Gatherings when the Senior Leader and members of the community are present. If it’s decided that Permanency is not right for a Temporary Member then Associate Membership is an alternative option at this stage.
Associate Members
Associate Members are those who support the values, calling and work of the Order but do not feel called to take vows to become either Temporary or Permanent Members. If potential Associate Members have not previously been Temporary Members then we encourage them to go through Exploration as outlined above.
Accompanying Members
An Accompanying Member is a Permanent Member of The Order of Mission who accompanies people as they explore membership, take temporary vows and consider making a permanent commitment to the Order. An Accompanying Member may be the explorer’s church or huddle leader, mentor, mission partner or friend – often the person who introduced someone to the Order. The aim of the Accompanying Member is to encourage a reflective, mature, accountable and relational process of both joining the Order as a Temporary Member and in moving into Permanent commitment to the Order.